Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Spaghetti Experiment - Whiria te Tangata

In this experiment, our aim was to see how much mass a certain amount of spaghetti strands could hold.

1. We used reusable cups to hold the mass.
2. Then put the strands together and taped the ends to two tables approximately 20cm apart. 
3. We used String and a paper clip to attach the Cups to the Spaghetti Strands.
4. We continuously added mass until the Strands snapped. 

This graph shows that you are more likely to hold more mass depending on how many Strands you use. Some Strands did not hold as much mass as the others did. It all really depends on how we did the experiment, some people did it in different ways so it wasn't exactly fair.

Link to Whakatauki:
This links to the Whakatauki "Strength In Numbers" 
because it shows that the more spaghetti strands there are, the more mass they can hold together.


1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Sapati

    You've done a great job of explaining the steps and sequence of your experiment. I think it's interesting that you noticed the inconsistency that can occur when everyone does the experiment in different ways. I can imagine this is a determining factor with a lot of experiments and why Scientists exercise controls.
    I would love to have seen a photo of your setup. I can't quite imagine a cup being balance with spaghetti straws. The graph is good. Is that grams on the vertical axis? What is that referring to?

    If you were going to do this experiment again, what would you change?
